List Rental - Responce Solutions

Republican Cause Donors From Home Solutions

Politicians need votes to win election and re-election, but they also need money. Donors to Republican causes have an interest in the machinery of politics.


747,219 Total Universe / Universe Rate $95.00/M
29,722 1 Month Donors + $20.00/M
97,013 3 Month Donors + $15.00/M
241,484 6 Month Donors + $10.00/M
482,950 12 Month Donors + $5.00/M
747,219 24 Month Donors $95.00/M
Donor Type (all orders) + $25.00/M
186,766 12 Month Email Addresses $225.00/M


Politicians need votes to win election and re-election, but they also need money. Donors to Republican causes have an interest in the machinery of politics. These political donors have a candidate, or cause that they strongly support.

Republican donors tend to have conservative economic and social values. Many are Christian, with numerous sects including evangelical Christians being represented in large numbers. The Republican Party is often viewed as the pro-business political party, and as an upholder of values which many Americans think of as traditional, such as family life.

These affluent consumers have the disposable income to give monetary contributions to their political party and support specific candidates.



  • Donation Amount   
    Under	100
    $101 -	250
    $251 -	499





12 Month Hotline
24 Month Hotline
1 Month Hotline $20.00/M
3 Month Hotline $15.00/M
Hotline $5.00/M
6 Month Hotline $10.00/M
Dollar Amount $25.00/M
Mail Order Buyers $10.00/M
Gender/Sex $5.00/M
Age $8.00/M
Childs Age $10.00/M
Date of Birth $15.00/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity $20.00/M
Home Owner $10.00/M
Marital Status $5.00/M
Phone Number $25.00/M
Length of Residence $5.00/M
Lifestyle $10.00/M
Household Income $10.00/M
Home Value $10.00/M
Presence of Child $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $5.00/M
Credit Cards $10.00/M
Donation Amount


Suppression (flat fee) $150.00/F
Run Charges $10.00/M
Email $100.00/F
Transmission-HTML $50.00/F
Transmission-Text $50.00/F