List Rental - Responce Solutions

Independent Party Donors From Home Solutions

Independent Party Donors believe in returning the control of the government back to the people, minimizing taxes, advancing the principals of freedom, patriotism, and traditional family values.


39,267 Total Universe / Universe Rate $85.00/M
786 1 Month Donors + $20.00/M
5,632 3 Month Donors + $15.00/M
12,373 6 Month Donors + $10.00/M
25,095 12 Month Donors + $5.00/M
39,267 24 Month Donors $85.00/M
Donor Type (all orders) + $25.00/M
4,409 Email Name/Address $2,000.00/F


Independent Party Donors believe in returning the control of the government back to the people, minimizing taxes, advancing the principals of freedom, patriotism, and traditional family values.

Independent party members and donors contribute their time and money to support causes and candidates with public policies that discourage teen pregnancy, encourage work and family stability, promote improvements to the education system, and provide creative alternatives to our prison system.

These affluent consumers have the disposable income to give monetary contributions to charities near and dear to their hearts, as well as donate their time to their community, and organizations in need.






Dollar Amount
24 Month Hotline
1 Month Hotline $20.00/M
3 Month Hotline $15.00/M
6 Month Hotline $10.00/M
12 Month Hotline $5.00/M
Mail Order Buyers $10.00/M
Gender/Sex $5.00/M
Age $8.00/M
Childs Age $10.00/M
Date of Birth $15.00/M
Multi Donor $20.00/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity $20.00/M
Home Owner $10.00/M
Marital Status $5.00/M
Phone Number $25.00/M
Length of Residence $5.00/M
Lifestyle $10.00/M
Household Income $10.00/M
Home Value $10.00/M
Presence of Child $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $5.00/M
Credit Cards $10.00/M
Donation Amount


Suppression (flat fee) $150.00/F
Run Charges $10.00/M
Email $100.00/F
Transmission $50.00/F