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Foundation of Elite Republican Aide Donors

Foundation of Elite Republican Donors allows you to reach individuals that donated to the Republican campaign with a minimum 1 time contribution of $1,000 or more. These men and women felt it necessary to donate vast amounts of money to their political affiliation. During election years, politicians go to rallies, dinner benefits, ask by mail, telephone, and go face to face. Future elected leaders also use direct mail, and sell small items related directly to their campaign. These items can include buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, posters, dinner tickets, benefit concert tickets. Donators can often right off their political donation on their IRS taxes.


543,009 Total Universe / Universe Rate $105.00/M
6 Month Recency + $10.00/M
1 Month Recency + $25.00/M
3 Month Recency + $15.00/M
Email Addresses + $175.00/M


Foundation of Elite Republican Donors allows you to reach individuals that donated to the Republican campaign with a minimum 1 time contribution of $1,000 or more. These men and women felt it necessary to donate vast amounts of money to their political affiliation. During election years, politicians go to rallies, dinner benefits, ask by mail, telephone, and go face to face. Future elected leaders also use direct mail, and sell small items related directly to their campaign. These items can include buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, posters, dinner tickets, benefit concert tickets. Donators can often right off their political donation on their IRS taxes.

Foundation of Republican Aide Donors allows you to reach individuals that donated to the Republican campaign with a minimum recent contribution of $250 or more. These Republican Party members are men and women that see an importance in voicing their opinions on certain issues that face the country. Republican voters not only put their time into helping campaigns, but also their donations. They donate their disposable income to Republican candidates that share their political views. These philanthropists attend fundraisers, rallies, gala events, and watch all televised debates.

Republican donors also use Myspace, Linkedin, and Facebook to socially spread their political views to their friends, family, grandchildren, and their colleagues. It’s an outlet for voters to speak their minds about political issues, post new information on bills, and invite other to join them at political events.

Elected officials which include President, Vice President, Senator, State Representative, Mayors, Councilman and Councilwomen, members of the Congress use the donated money to fund their campaign. Political donors might also contribute their disposable income to political action committees (PAC) which in turn, campaigns for or against their political candidates or legislative laws. Political donors are typically knowledgeable about current events, wanting to ensure that they are top of how their political leader stands in different polls. They also believe strongly in their Republican politician’s platform, making their contribution to get the man or woman as their elected leader.

The different platforms that the political debate on are Foreign Policy, Gun Control, Budget & Economy, Education, Homeland Security, Crime, Government Reform, Civil Rights, War & Peace, Drugs, Tax, Reform, Abortion, Free Trade, Health Care, Social Security, Families & Children, Immigration, Technology, Corporations, Welfare & Poverty, Energy & Oil, Environment, Jobs, Principles & Values.

There are many reasons why people donate money. They include: pivotal involvement, their upbringing, time of the year, campaigns in the new, as a tax write off, peer pressure, celebrity endorsement, they were asked, guilt, compassion of their beliefs.

During election years, politicians use private and corporate donations to go to rallies, host dinner benefits, direct mail campaigns, telemarketing campaigns, and go face to face to meet their supporters. Future elected leaders also use direct mail, and sell small items related directly to their campaign. These items can include buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, posters, dinner tickets, benefit concert tickets.

This list is ideal for anyone that’s interested in targeting donors of republican politicians that have disposable income, and are willing to donate money for what they believe in. They watch the news, purchase political books, subscribe to newsletters, visit websites, and read the newspapers.






Age 10.00/M
Childs Age Range 10.00/M
Congressional District 15.00/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity 20.00/M
Gender/Sex 10.00/M
Geo/Geographical 10.00/M
Home Owner 10.00/M
Household Income 10.00/M
Marital Status 10.00/M
Multi Donor 15.00/M
Phones 25.00/M


CD ROM 50.00/F
EMAIL 75.00/F
Suppression 150.00/F
Transmission 75.00/M