Engineers At Home From Professional Solutions
158,607 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $85.00/M |
158,607 | Engineers at Home | $85.00/M |
Engineers at Home from Professional Solutions allows you to reach all types of engineers-- aerospace, chemical, civil, electrical and electronic, field, industrial and mechanical--at their home address. Engineers are concerned with developing economical and safe solutions to practical problems by applying mathematics and scientific knowledge, while considering technical constraints.
Engineers perform many tasks on any given day. They work in design, research and development, testing, production and maintenance. These engineers also supervise production in factories, determine the causes of component failure and test manufactured products to maintain quality. They also estimate the time and cost to complete their projects. Some engineers advance their careers from engineering to engineering management or sales. In sales, an engineering background enables these men and women to discuss technical aspects and assist in product planning, installation and use. Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or entire projects.
Engineers use computers on a daily basis for the production and analysis of designs, the simulation and testing of the operation of a machine, structure or system and the generation of part specifications. Many engineers also use computers to monitor product quality and control process efficiency. They are technically savvy professionals who take their jobs very seriously.
These professionals are often very busy at work, but when they come home, unwind and relax, they are more likely to take the time to read a postcard or magazine, or look through a catalog.
These professionals do not just work all week long and have no fun. They have social lives on the weekends, and they spend lots of time with their friends and families. They enjoy activities such as hiking, fishing, biking, gardening, sports, reading magazines, shopping, going out to dinner, food and wine, entertainment and more. They love to use the money they work so hard for, to do things with their friends and families at home. They often entertain guests in their homes and enjoy being around those that they love.
100% Home Address
Mail Order Buyers | $10.00/M |
Gender/Sex | $5.00/M |
Age | $8.00/M |
Childs Age | $10.00/M |
Date of Birth | $15.00/M |
Ethnic/Ethnicity | $20.00/M |
Home Owner | $10.00/M |
Marital Status | $5.00/M |
Length of Residence | $5.00/M |
Lifestyle | $10.00/M |
Household Income | $10.00/M |
Home Value | $10.00/M |
Presence of Child | $10.00/M |
Geo/Geographical | $5.00/M |
Credit Cards | $10.00/M |
Home Address | $10.00/M |
Mag Tape (flat fee) | $25.00/F |
Run Charges | $10.00/M |
Email (flat fee) | $100.00/F |
Diskette (flat fee) | $50.00/F |
Cartridge (flat fee) | $50.00/F |