List Rental - Responce Solutions

Catholic Schools With Preschool Programs

Catholic Schools With Preschool Programs from Education Solutions enables you to select private K - 12 Catholic schools which also offer preschool education programs. Early childhood instruction is a growing market, not only because of increasing number of children being cared for outside of the home, but because of increased attention to the importance of early skill development and preparation for kindergarten.


3,759 Total Universe / Universe Rate $400.00/M
3,759 Facilities Postal $400.00/F
2,377 Personnel Email $1,500.00/F


Catholic Schools with Preschool Programs from Education Solutions enables you to select private K - 12 Catholic schools which also offer preschool education programs. Early childhood instruction is a growing market, not only because of increasing number of children being cared for outside of the home, but because of increased attention to the importance of early skill development and preparation for kindergarten.

Target these professionals at school.

Average age    45



  • Ethnic/Ethnicity   (20.00/M)
    Add'l Selects   (10.00/M)
    Number of Classrooms
    Number of Students
    Number of Schools
    Number of Teachers
    District Type
    Grade Level
    Lowest Level Taught
    Highest Level Taught
    21st Century School
    Adult Ed
    Before/After School Programs
    Blue Ribbon School
    Charter School
    Ed Tech
    English as Second Language
    Gifted & Talented
    Magnet School
    Special Education
    Year-Round Classes
    School Type
    Title 1 Percent
    Title 1 School Wide
    Selects   (15.00/M)
    Number of Computers
    Student/Comp Ratio
    Student/Teacher Ratio
    Institution Type
    School Start Date
    School End Date
    New Teacher to Institution
    New Teacher to Profession
    Site Based   
    Average Monthly Tuition
    Bilingual Programs
    Computer Present
    DVD/VCR Present	  





Gender/Sex $10.00/M
Age $10.00/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity $20.00/M
Income Select $10.00/M
Job Function/Title $10.00/M
Marital Status $10.00/M
Phone Number $20.00/M
Length of Residence $10.00/M
Number of Children $10.00/M
SCF $10.00/M
State $10.00/M
Zip $10.00/M
City $10.00/M
Add'l Selects $10.00/M
Selects $15.00/M
Site Based
Computer Type $25.00/M
Instructional Expenditures $25.00/M
Library Media Center $25.00/M
Technology Budget/Pupil $25.00/M
Title 1 Dollar-Received District Wide $25.00/M
Per Student $25.00/M
Total Dollar-Expenditures $25.00/M
Expenditures/Student $25.00/M


Home Address $15.00/M
Suppression (flat fee) $150.00/F
Email Delivery (flat fee) $75.00/F
Transmission-HTML $150.00/M
Transmission-Text $120.00/M
Tracking NO CHARGE