Accountants At Home From Professional Solutions
219,847 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $85.00/M |
Accountants at Home from Professional Solutions reaches financial executives who perform bookkeeping, auditing, and other financial reporting and analysis functions. Accountants are hired to take on the responsibility of keeping track of capital gains and losses, business expenditures and profits, tax obligations, separation of personal and business funds, and managing checking accounts and credit card purchases.
These professionals include CPAs (Certified Public Accountants), internal auditors, government accountants, management accountants and other finance experts. As accountants, these men and women are dealing with money and numbers day in and day out. They work in offices or out of their homes and stay up to date with the current status of the economy.
These professionals are well educated, having at least a BA degree, and are also licensed by the state where they practice. These professionals have the discretionary income to spend money on luxury items for themselves and their homes. They also take part in leisure activities such as upscale dining, wine tasting, outdoor activities, taking vacations both domestic and international, and entertaining.
100% Home Address
Mail Order Buyers | $10.00/M |
Gender/Sex | $5.00/M |
Age | $8.00/M |
Childs Age | $10.00/M |
Date of Birth | $15.00/M |
Ethnic/Ethnicity | $20.00/M |
Home Owner | $10.00/M |
Marital Status | $5.00/M |
Length of Residence | $5.00/M |
Lifestyle | $10.00/M |
Household Income | $10.00/M |
Home Value | $10.00/M |
Presence of Child | $10.00/M |
Geo/Geographical | $5.00/M |
Credit Cards | $10.00/M |
$75.00/F | |
MAG TAPE | $25.00/F |
CARTRIDGE | $50.00/F |
DISKETTE | $50.00/F |