Response Solutions, LLC

Wellness Care Planning Emphysema Product Buyers

Wellness Care Planning Emphysema Product Buyers list allows you to reach consumers who have made two or more purchases to alleviate the respiratory problems associated with emphysema. These individuals are typically older adults who experience difficulty breathing due to chronic congestion and inflammation in their bronchial tubes.


31,094 Total Universe / Universe Rate $95.00/M
1 Month Hotline + $20.00/M
3 Month Hotline + $15.00/M
6 Month Hotline + $10.00/M


Wellness Care Planning Emphysema Product Buyers list allows you to reach consumers who have made two or more purchases to alleviate the respiratory problems associated with emphysema.  These individuals are typically older adults who experience difficulty breathing due to chronic congestion and inflammation in their bronchial tubes.


Consumers afflicted with emphysema, a chronic lung disease and breathing disorder, are seniors who experienced long term exposure to smoking, second hand smoke, air pollutants, or industrial fumes. These individuals are proactive about seeking treatment for their breathing difficulties. They are active adults who enjoy exercise, social gatherings, hobbies, and routine daily tasks. They want to continue these activities without experiencing shortness of breath or a persistent cough. These adults are open to a change in lifestyle and will purchase products to stop smoking and avoid smoke free environments. They frequently stay indoors during high air pollution alerts.


To increase energy levels, improve concentration, and breathing, these emphysema relief buyers will purchase products to manage their illness such as inhalers, oral medications, bronchodilators, vitamins, herbal supplements, inhaled steroids, and breathing machines. They also remove allergy triggers from their home that can making breathing more difficult by reducing pet dander and fur, placing dust covers over bedding and mattresses, removing dust-collecting carpets, and hanging washable draperies in the windows.


These consumers also purchase related products such as home filtering systems, air conditioning units, allergen free detergents and cleansers, carpet-free flooring, linoleum, tile, hardwood floors, dehumidifiers, smoking cessation products, mold reduction products, pet grooming and cleaning products, masks, gloves, and allergy medications.  


When individuals take control of their emphysema symptoms, they begin to breathe easier, have more energy and stamina to go for a walk or hike, take up a round of golf, engage in lengthy conversations with friends, or go for a leisurely bicycle ride. When they keep emphysema at bay, these consumers are in the doctor’s office, hospital, and emergency room much less often.


Consumers on The Wellness Care Planning Emphysema Product Buyers mailing list are open to related marketing offers from pharmaceuticals, herbal supplement retailers, drug manufacturers, home care product providers, bedding suppliers, home filtration providers, HVAC providers, flooring manufacturers, pet supply retailers, and allergen product retailers.





6 Month Hotline $10.00/M
3 Month Hotline $15.00/M
1 Month Hotline $20.00/M
Gender $10.00/M
Age $10.00/M
Geography $10.00/M
Source $10.00/M
Credit Card $10.00/M


Key Coding $5.00/M
EMAIL $100.00/F
FTP $100.00/F