List Rental - Responce Solutions

Physical Therapists From Medical Solutions Email

Physical Therapists (PTs) from Medical Solutions enables you to reach the allied health care professionals that specialize in helping individuals who have been injured or physically affected by illness to recover or improve physical function and reduce pain.


23,674 Total Universe / Universe Rate $275.00/M
23,674 Physical Therapists Email $275.00/M
9,411 PT Assistants Email $275.00/M


Physical Therapists (PTs) from Medical Solutions enables you to reach the allied health care professionals that specialize in helping individuals who have been injured or physically affected by illness to recover or improve physical function and reduce pain. Physical therapists serve in many areas of the medical field to treat and assist patients of all ages and abilities in orthopedic treatment centers, hospital and rehabilitation clinics, outpatient clinics or offices, extended care facilities, homes, education or research centers, schools, hospices, industrial workplaces or other occupational environments, fitness centers and sports training facilities. A physical therapist evaluates a patients condition and devises a customized physical rehabilitation and treatment plan to enhance strength, flexibility, range of motion, motor control, and reduce any pain, discomfort and swelling the patient is experiencing.

In order to practice physical therapists must have a degree from an accredited physical therapy program before taking the national licensing exam. Additionally physical therapists must apply for a state license, once the examination is passed, in the state in which they choose to practice.

Due to their busy schedules, these highly educated individuals tend to be receptive. As medical professionals, they frequently purchase publications related to their industry and attend seminars and other training opportunities dealing with patient safety and other health care issues.

Many of these health care professionals may own a private practice. They own computers and access the Internet, with a high disposable income.

Multichannel pricing is available.

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Gender/Sex $10.00/M
Age $10.00/M
Income Select $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $10.00/M


Email Name/Address (only)
Suppression (flat fee) $150.00
Transmission-HTML $150.00/M
Transmission-Text $150.00/M