List Rental - Responce Solutions

LinkedIn Users from Social Media Direct

LinkedIn is a networking website which is known for being a site where many professionals have profiles related to their careers.


3,261,536 Total Universe / Universe Rate $105.00/M
Email Addresses $275.00/M


LinkedIn is a networking website which is known for being a site where many professionals have  profiles related to their careers.


LinkedIn helps career oriented individuals make use of their professional network which generally leads to being more productive, competitive, and successful.  As a LinkedIn participant, individuals are generally introduced to potential clients and vendors, can create and collaborate on projects, and gain new insights from likeminded professionals.


Targeting LinkedIn users gives direct marketers a powerful tool to engage customers who are social media users and leverage word of mouth marketing.
Marketers can pinpoint top influencers and provide incentives for them to share their experiences with their friends, family, and business associates.


Average User Figures:
Average Age 41
Average Salary $100,000+

100% Home Address Records


Cancelled orders are subject to a $50 flat cancellation fee, plus any applicable production charges. Orders cancelled after the merge-purge are payable in full.







Gender/Sex $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $10.00/M
Level of Education $25.00/M
Title $10.00/M
Industry $10.00/M
Employee Size $10.00/M
Sales Volume $10.00/M
NAIC/SIC $15.00/M
Tech Install $20.00/M


Key Coding $5.00/M
CD ROM $100.00/F
DISKETTE $100.00/F
EMAIL $100.00/F
Transmission Fee $150.00/M
CAN SPAM Suppression $150.00/F
A/B SPLIT $150.00/F
Personalization $100.00/F