List Rental - Responce Solutions

Higher Education Direct Manager

Higher Education Direct Manager mailing list allows you to market to higher-ranking educational professionals who manage and oversee operations in 2 and 4 year higher education institutions. This list of assistant managers and managers consists of decision makers in various departments within junior colleges, community colleges, and universities. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment for their administrator role and can be contacted by direct mail and email at their school location.


9,007 Total Universe / Universe Rate $110.00/M
Email Addresses $275.00/M


Higher Education Direct Manager mailing list allows you to market to higher-ranking educational professionals who manage and oversee operations in 2 and 4 year higher education institutions. This list of assistant managers and managers consists of decision makers in various departments within junior colleges, community colleges, and universities. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment for their administrator role and can be contacted by direct mail and email at their school location.


Managers hold leadership positions and provide administrative support for overseeing the day to day operations of various university departments. Managers and assistant managers have decision making roles and assign tasks to staff to ensure their college department runs efficiently. They strategically plan improvements for their department, maintain a budget, and implement new programs for the ongoing success of the college. They maintain positive interpersonal relations with students, professors, and their support staff. They hire employees, provide training, offer feedback, implement disciplinary measures, and act as a mentor to staff. Managers report to their directors and keep them updated on departmental developments. Assistant managers and managers have various educational levels and hold Bachelors, Masters Degree, PHDs, and doctorate degrees. Managers are employed in a variety of capacities and have job titlessuch transportation services manager, bookstore manager, computer operations manager, telephone communications manager, manager of maintenance, security manager, facility manager, manager of operations, accounting manager, business and development manager, recruitment manager, construction manager, and food service manager.


Managers purchasea variety of supplies and equipment for their staff and to maintain their department. They buy computer equipment, office equipment, software, electronics, PDAs, office supplies, audio/video equipment, organizational supplies, storage supplies, telecommunication systems, business travel supplies, and transportation supplies. They also buy related apparel products such as dresses, slacks, blouses, shirts, footwear, and jackets to dress professionally for their administrative positions.


The Higher Education Direct Manager list is ideal for multi-channel marketers, recruiters, high-end apparel retailers, recruiters, higher learning trade publications, travel agencies, electronics suppliers, software providers, computer manufacturers, office supply providers, financial institutions, textbook publishers, credit card issuers, event coordinators, continuing education providers, and financial institutions.






Gender/Sex 10.00/M
Geo/Geographical 10.00/M
Mail Order Buyers 10.00/M
Phone Number 50.00/M
Suppression 150.00/F
Transmission 150.00/M


A/B SPLIT 100.00/F
CD ROM 75.00/F
EMAIL 75.00/F
Suppression 150.00/F
Transmission 150.00/M