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Higher Education Direct Custodial Services

Higher Education Direct Custodial Services mailing list allows you to reach individuals who repair, clean, and maintain 2 and 4 year higher education buildings and grounds. Custodial support employees are employed at junior colleges, community colleges, and universities and can be contacted by direct mail and email at their school location. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment to perform their duties and maintain school grounds.


2,634 Total Universe / Universe Rate $400.00/F
Email Addresses $1,500.00/F


Higher Education Direct Custodial Services mailing list allows you to reach individuals who repair, clean, and maintain 2 and 4 year higher education buildings and grounds. Custodial support employees are employed at junior colleges, community colleges, and universities and can be contacted by direct mail and email at their school location. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment to perform their duties and maintain school grounds.


Custodians and janitors take great care in keeping the schools they work for clean, safe, and functional. Custodians play an important role in ensuring the safety and well-being of all undergraduate students, faculty, professors, and administrators. Along with facilities and maintenance staff, they make minor repairs and remove hazards from classrooms and college grounds to prevent accidents and unnecessary injury. They perform routine inspections on plumbing fixtures, water heaters, HVAC systems, electrical systems, and school security systems. Not only do custodians maintain college campus buildings, but they provide the maintenance and general upkeep for student housing like dorms, apartments, fraternities, and sororities. They respond to the requests of students and school faculty to repair broken furniture, leaky fixtures, wall and floor damage, water damage, broken appliances, and faulty wiring. Custodians are also responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the college. They mop hallways and lecture rooms, clean bathroom facilities, pick up and dispose of trash. They assist in cleanup after a college football game and campus extracurricular activities and meetings. Custodial personnel have achieved various educational levels. They hold high school diplomas, GEDs, or Bachelor’s Degrees.


Custodians and school janitors use and purchase what they need to perform their jobsincluding fire extinguishers, flooring, paints, adhesives, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, lawn care equipment, hardware, ladders, light bulbs, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, tool belts, fire alarms, caulking, hand tools, power tools, organizational supplies, and storage bins. They also buy related apparel products such as uniforms, coveralls, jeans, shirts, footwear, protective gear, head gear, and outdoor rain gear to work both indoors and outdoors.


The Higher Education Direct Custodial Services mailing list is ideal for work apparel retailers, hardware suppliers, electronics suppliers, maintenance supply providers, plumbing and electrical suppliers, cleaning supply providers, pest control providers, paint and adhesive suppliers, safety product providers, and lawn care supply providers.






Gender/Sex 10.00/M
Geo/Geographical 10.00/M
Phone Number 50.00/M
Suppression 150.00/F
Transmission 150.00/M


A/B SPLIT 100.00/F
CD ROM 75.00/F
EMAIL 75.00/F
Suppression 150.00/F
Transmission 150.00/M