List Rental - Responce Solutions

Execuhome Mining & Quarrying (non-metallurgic) at Home and Business Address

The Non-Metallic Mining mailing list targets executives engaged in mining, mine development, milling, and mineral exploration for stone, gravel, clay, potash, fertilizers and chemicals. They need resources to extract and process minerals, perform geological exploration, remove overburden, and more.


8,521 Total Universe / Universe Rate $175.00/M
Email $450.00/M
Telemarketing $225.00/M


All-inclusive B2B/B2C data file: Why settle for either-or? This database links the consumer demographics and business firmographics to over 8,000 executives engaged in non-metallurgic mining and quarrying. The only database to marry B2B and B2C files, target prospects at the office, working remotely from home and conducting virtual meetings via multiple channels. Don't settle for half...get the complete picture of your intended audience to better anticipate their personal and professional needs. Updates weekly.


The Non-Metallic Mining mailing list targets executives engaged in mining, mine development, milling, and mineral exploration for stone, gravel, clay, potash, fertilizers and chemicals. They need resources to extract and process minerals, perform geological exploration, remove overburden, and more. Responsible for both business management and mine operations, this audience has the purchasing authority to buy products ranging from crushers to safety gear to training resources.


Job Titles:








Vice President




Functions: Mine and quarry, crush and wash minerals, research industry trends, upgrade technology, perform environmental studies, extract ores, budget operations, provide crew safety, expand marketplace, develop new products, supervise crews, utilize business intelligence, provide communications


Non-Metallurgic and quarrying executives are tasked with managing both the business and operations ends of mining. They work remotely, at the mining site, in home offices, and facilities like preparation plants. Along with administrative tasks, they hire the personnel to upgrade technology, bore test holes, drill and drain mines, and provide overburden removal. After processing, end products can include: glass, cement, concrete, pottery, countertops, roads, landscape decor and flooring.With this data list, reach professionals at their home and workplace to greatly improve marketing results. By merging B2B and B2C data, you not only get business data like job title and annual sales, but you receive personalized demographics like marital status and buying behaviors to initiate cross-selling opportunities.


Products and Services Purchased: Industry magazines, heavy equipment, work wear, picks, drills, lamps, safety gear, conveyors, overburden disposal, gas detection, fire prevention, material handling, tools, reactors, sensing equipment, rock splitters, computers, software, mobile devices, office supplies, and office furnishings.


Ideal list renters would be: Publishers, heavy equipment providers, safety gear companies, mining equipment providers, geological firms, engineering firms, hardware providers, consultants, software developers, technology providers, insurance providers, financial institutions, legal advisors, continuing education providers, and credit card issuers.









Title $20.00/M
State $15.00/M
Employee Size $20.00/M
Home Type $20.00/M
Marital Status $20.00/M
Household Income $20.00/M
Age $20.00/M
Lifestyle $25.00/M



Key Coding $5.00/M
Email $100.00/F
FTP $100.00/F