List Rental - Responce Solutions

Childrens Welfare Donors From Home Solutions

Children's Welfare Donors From Home Solutions reaches generous men and women who make donations to organizations looking out for the well being of children in the United States and abroad. These generous consumers are concerned for the physical, social and mental wellness of children and their families. They donate as much as they can to ensure health and safety to children who are in need of assistance. These donors help children who are victims to poverty, child abuse, and neglect.


617,633 Total Universe / Universe Rate $85.00/M
32,257 1 Month Donors + $20.00/M
81,765 3 Month Donors + $15.00/M
215,298 6 Month Donors + $10.00/M
408,741 12 Month Donors + $5.00/M
Donor Type (all orders) + $25.00/M
235,169 12 Month Donor Emails $200.00/M


Children's Welfare Donors From Home Solutions reaches generous men and women who make donations to organizations looking out for the well being of children in the United States and abroad. These generous consumers are concerned for the physical, social and mental wellness of children and their families. They donate as much as they can to ensure health and safety to children who are in need of assistance.

These donors help children who are victims to poverty, child abuse, and neglect. They contribute to families who cannot afford health care or child care. They also contribute to single-parent households and teenage parents who do not have enough money to support their new child and they support pregnancy counseling for new parents.

The donations that these consumers make to child welfare are aiding in the reduction of child fatalities from the maltreatment of children. They support services directed towards supporting families in times of trouble, strengthening parents, protecting children who are neglected, abused or exploited,  and services which ensure children receive the kind of care that they need for their development.

The contributions assist in finding safe and healthy homes for children including day care, homemaker services, foster care, relative foster care, adoption, and group homes. No matter what the needs of children are, these donors are willing to make monetary contributions to support the cause that they believe in.

Additional Charges:
Donation Amount @ $25/M






12 Month Hotline
24 Month Hotline
1 Month Hotline $20.00/M
3 Month Hotline $15.00/M
Hotline $5.00/M
6 Month Hotline $10.00/M
Mail Order Buyers $10.00/M
Gender/Sex $5.00/M
Age $8.00/M
Childs Age $10.00/M
Date of Birth $15.00/M
Multi Donor $20.00/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity $20.00/M
Home Owner $10.00/M
Marital Status $5.00/M
Phone Number $25.00/M
Length of Residence $5.00/M
Lifestyle $10.00/M
Household Income $10.00/M
Home Value $10.00/M
Presence of Child $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $5.00/M
Credit Cards $10.00/M


Suppression (flat fee) $150.00
Run Charges $10.00/M
Email Delivery (flat fee) $75.00
Transmission $50.00/M