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Algebra Teacher from Education Direct

The Algebra Teacher from Education Direct buyers list allows you to market to educational professionals who teach Algebra classes. These Math instructors teach at the junior high and high school levels and can be contacted by both direct mail and email at their school location. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment for their professional needs, the Math room, and student education


5,279 Total Universe / Universe Rate $110.00/M
6 Month Buyers + $10.00/M
1 Month Buyers + $25.00/M
3 Month Buyers + $15.00/M
Email Addresses $275.00/M


The Algebra Teacher from Education Direct buyers list allows you to market to educational professionals who teach Algebra classes. These Math instructors teach at the junior high and high school levels and can be contacted by both direct mail and email at their school location. They have the purchasing power to buy supplies and equipment for their professional needs, the Math room, and student education.


Educators and schoolteachers who teach Algebra in grades 7-12 put together math materials and yearly curriculum plans for a student’s academic success. These students have mastered basic mathematic principles from elementary and middle school and now will be learning more complex Algebraic expressions. Algebra teachers  teach students about integers, Algebraic expressions, equations with fractions, graphing equations, how to calculate slope, word problems, quadratic equations, exponents, multiplying and dividing monomials, square roots, Pythagorean Theorem, and polynomials. Students who take Algebra classes may move on to Algebra II, Geometry, pre-calculus, and intro to Statistics to satisfy school credits and requirements in Mathematics. Algebra teachers write lesson plansthat include Algebra math games, memory games, flash cards, and data graphing. These teachers and educational instructors take continuing education classes to ensure they meet ongoing teacher certification requirements in Mathematics. They hold Bachelor’s Degrees, Master Degrees, and PHDs. They find employment in public schools, private schools, charter schools, middle schools, intermediate schools, junior high schools, high schools, boarding schools, military schools, parochial schools, prep schools, and non-state schools.


Algebra teachers purchaselaptops, computers, software, electronics, PDAs, text books, paper, pencils, calculators, binders, notebooks, interactive whiteboards, projectors, pens, audio/video equipment, stickers, stamps, bookmarks, nameplates, desktop organization supplies, folders, magnets, flash cards, flip charts, timers, totes, and rewards and incentives supplies.  They also buy related apparel products such as dresses, slacks, blouses, shirts, footwear, and jackets to dress professionally for the classroom.


The Algebra Teacher from Education Direct is the ideal list for  apparel retailers, educational trade publications, electronics suppliers, software providers, computer manufacturers, school and office supply providers, Mathematics book publishers, continuing education providers, and reward recognition providers.






1 Month Buyers $25.00/M
3 Month Buyers $15.00/M
6 Month Buyers $10.00/M
Gender/Sex $10.00/M
Geo/Geographical $10.00/M
Mail Order Buyers $10.00/M
Phone Number $50.00/M
Suppression $150.00/F
Transmission $150.00/M


A/B SPLIT $100.00/F
CD ROM $75.00/F
EMAIL $75.00/F
Suppression $150.00/F
Transmission $150.00/M