Response Solutions, LLC

Wellness Care Planning Bladder Control Product Buyers

Wellness Care Planning Bladder Control Product Buyers list allows you to reach consumers who purchase two or more products to control an overactive bladder. These individuals are proactive in managing urinary incontinence due to the aging process or medical condition.


107,095 Total Universe / Universe Rate $95.00/M
1 Month Hotline + $20.00/M
3 Month Hotline + $15.00/M
6 Month Hotline + $10.00/M


Wellness Care Planning Bladder Control Product Buyers list allows you to reach consumers who purchase two or more products to control an overactive bladder.  These individuals are proactive in managing urinary incontinence due to the aging process or medical condition.


Consumers buying bladder control products are active older adults and individuals with underlying medical issues. They are active individuals with various educational, economical, and genetic backgrounds who want to enjoy a full life free of incontinence. These individuals are retirees, employees, students, housewives, and CEOs. They enjoy all aspects of their lives and want to eliminate the embarrassment of loss of bladder control whether in public or the privacy of their own home.


Bladder control issues range from occasional urinary leakage when coughing, sneezing, exercising, or lifting to complete incontinence where control over their bladder is no longer possible. Besides the aging process, bladder control problems can be caused by urinary tract infections, bowel problems, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, strokes, certain medications, obesity, menopause, cancer, pregnancy, or multiple sclerosis.


These consumers purchase products to control and manage their incontinence such as prescribed medications, vitamins, dietary supplements, catheters, adult diapers, adult pads, protective undergarments, and medical devices like a pessary. They also purchase related products such as hygiene supplies, menopausal products, weight loss products, assisted living products, and absorbent undergarments.


With lifestyle modification and the availability of bladder control products, these consumers are able to enjoy a life on the go. They can travel, attend their granddaughter’s wedding, join clubs, go for hikes, and participate in social gatherings without fear of urinary leakage. With proper diet and exercise, the severity of bladder control loss may be lessened.


Consumers in The Wellness Care Planning Bladder Control Product mailing list are open to related marketing offers from pharmaceuticals, drug manufacturers, health care providers, nutritionists, supplement providers, fitness centers, independent senior living providers, home care products providers, and apparel providers.





6 Month Hotline $10.00/M
3 Month Hotline $15.00/M
1 Month Hotline $20.00/M
Gender $10.00/M
Age $10.00/M
Geography $10.00/M
Source $10.00/M
Credit Card $10.00/M


Key Coding $5.00/M
EMAIL $100.00/F
FTP $100.00/F